Wednesday, February 18, 2009

The Fitness of the South for Independence

From Cincinnati Daily Press December 14 1860

The Fitness of the South for Independence - Her Agricultural and Manufacturing Resources.

The New Orleans Crescent observes:
While we produce a plenty to live on, within ourselves, we have cotton, tobacco, hemp and other things to spare: and the whole world - not the North alone - for a market. The prosperity of a nation, like the prosperity of and individual, depends upon what is saved at the end of the year, after supplying all wants. This it is which gives the South so great and advantage. What has the North to export? Some breadstuffs, it is true - though in the South American and Cuban markets, and in Australia, it is a notorious fact that Virginia flour will fetch from $1 to $2 a barrel more than flour made in Ohio or Western New York. Cut off the South from the North as a market for manufactured goods, and let the cotton States buy breadstuffs from Tennessee, Kentucky, Missouri and Virginia, and what would become of the boasted power and wealth of the North?
We do not exult over the prospect of these things coming to pass. We are sorry, only, that Northern fanaticism has forced the South to take care of herself, commercially, as well as politically. The spectacle of the prostration of the manufacturing and shipping interest of the North is one which the South will not willingly look upon - but if they choose to bring it on themselves by a fanatical warfare upon an institution of the South which in no respect concerns them, it is their own business, and we presume they are ready for the consequences. The South is able to feed her own people and to clothe them besides, without going beyond her limits - and , if the occasion arise, in any other respect as in these.

Friday, February 6, 2009

Latest By Telegraph November 22 1860

Conservatives Disgusted with Sectionalism- Probable Rupture in the Cabinet - Financial Distress and Commercial Prostration in Charleston, S. C. - Cotton Declining - A Clergyman talks of Bibles and Revolvers - Suspension of the Farmers’ Bank of Virginia.

AUGUSTA, GA., November 20. - The conservative sentiment of the South appears to be disgusted at the increasing sectional wrangles, and considers that the Northern States should promptly convene their Legislatures and repeal their unfriendly laws, and urge a Convention of all the States, to make a prompt and united effort to preserve the Union and country from bankruptcy, anarchy and ruin.
The New York Herald’s Washington correspondent indicates a probable rupture in the Cabinet on the secession question.

CHARLESTON, S. C., November 20. - This has been the most gloomy day yet among the merchants.
A heavy cotton-house and other smaller houses have suspended.
The banks have resolved to co-operate together, and still positively refuse to make any discounts.
Cotton is Declining. The stock on hand is now 50,000 bales.
Several of the heavy planters refuse to send forward their cotton at present, preferring to waiting for a reaction.
Sterling Exchange down to 95c. Financial matters are rapidly approaching a climax. Trade is completely prostrated.
News of the suspension of the Farmers’ Bank of Richmond was received this afternoon, during business hour.
The Banks here are determined to hold out as long as the New York Banks do.
Captain Berry, of the steamer Columbia, has been presented with a gold-headed cane, to-day, for raising the Palmetto flag on his vessel.
Rev. Mr. Yates mad a speech on the occasion, during which he said that if the South required it, he would go into the foremost rank, with a Bible in one hand and a revolver in the other.

RICHMOND, VA., November 20, - The Farmer’s Bank of Virginia has suspended specie payment, and resolved to pursue a course of policy to prepare for early resumption.
Other Banks will follow, as a prudential measure during the present pressure. There is a terrible pressure in the money market and nothing doing in the produce market.
Flour is dull and declining, with few sales, and the market is overstocked. All the mills have stopped operations, excepting the Gallego Mills. Wheat has declined ten cents a bushel.

RICHMOND, VA., November 21 - The Enquirer to-day publishes an important letter from Gov. Letcher, in reply to that of John S. Brisbane, of Pennsylvania, who ridicules secession, and states that 200 Virginians have tendered him their command, in event of disunion, &c.
The Governor, in reply, administers a severe rebuke to the Northern nullification States, and shows that dereliction on the part of the North is the prime cause of the present dangerous troubles. He advises the people of the North to correct public sentiment at home, and discharge their constitutional obligations with strict fidelity. He then indicates his determination to defend the State of Virginia, and stand as a mediator, an armed mediator, if necessary, between the Southern States and their assailants, come from what quarter they may. This letter creates a great sensation here.
All the Richmond and Peterboro’ banks have suspended payment.

New York News.

NEW YORK, November 20 - Counterfeit fives on the Mechanics’ Bank of Newark, twos on the International Bank of Portland, Me., and ones on the Marine Bank of Boston, are in circulation; also, quarter eagles.
Rover Schwartz, a German, committed suicide last evening, by shooting himself in a Harlem railroad car.
The rumor that the Metropolitan Bank refuses incurrent money is unfounded.

NEW YORK, November 21. - The steamer Persia sailed to-day for Liverpool, with eighty-six passengers, and $64,000 in diamonds or freight. Among the passengers was W. S. Lindsay, who has been to this country on commercial mission.

The Harvard College Trouble.

BOSTON, November 21. - The names of the Sophomores suspended at Harvard College yesterday, for “hazing’ the Freshmen, are as follows: Chas. Jackson, of Boston; Chas. Emerson, of Staten Island; Augustus Baker, of Albany; A. Z. Hazeltine, of Philadelphia; John L. Ward, of Salem; Chas. F. Fearing, of New York; J. T. Hildreth, of Cincinnati; H. S. Edwards, of Boston. Jackson was dismissed for two years; the others for one year.

Fire in Laconia, N. H.

BOSTON, November 21. - A fire in Laconia, N. H., last night, destroyed twenty-five buildings, including the Cerro Gordo House, the Post-offices. Loss about $100,000. Nearly all of the business portion of the village was destroyed.
The machine-shop of the Mannikeag Cotton-factory, in this city, was destroyed by fire last night, O. C. Smith sustained a loss of $8,000; no insurance.

Later from Havana.

CHARLESTON, S. C., November 20. - The steamer Isabel has arrived, from Havana on the 17th.
The Sugar market was steady, with light sales. The crop accounts were favorable.
Exchanges were a fraction lower.

Flour-mill Burned - Loss $45,000.

OSWEGO, N. Y., November 21. - The Huron flour-mill in this city, owned by W. W. Baker, of Lockport, was destroyed by fire last night. Loss on building and contents, $45,000, on which there was an insurance of about $30, 000.

The Steamer Pacific Disaster - Eleven Lives Lost.

LOUISVILLE, KY., November 21, - As far as ascertained, eleven persons were lost by the burning of the Pacific, mostly boat hands and deck passengers. No Northern people are among the lost.

From Philadelphia.

PHILADELPHIA, November 21. - The brokers of this city refuse to take the notes of the Bank of Commerce, of Erie, and the Pittston Bank.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Article from Cincinnati Daily Press Nov. 22 1860

PICTURE OF A SLEEPING INFANT. - A lovely child lay sleeping, the moonbeams kissed its forehead, and in every ray of light an angel sported! No Wonder they should leave their Eden home to linger awhile on earth to gaze upon aught so lovely. Pure as the snow wreath which mantles the Alpine hills, or the lily with its brow bedecked with pearls, was this infant - sin had never touched it. Its little heart was far from guile as was the seraph’s which looked down upon its beauty. Nor were the angels alone gazing; no, no, a fond mother watched it, and as the moonbeams played around its neck, she thought of the innocence which dwelt within the heart of her cherished infant.


PAINFUL PICTURE OF DEPRAVITY. - An abject Scottish pair, Arthur Keenan and his wife, were found in a hole in the ground with four children, at Philadelphia, on Sunday; two of the children were stark naked, and all scantily covered with straw. Rum and fighting have long been the business in life of the parents.


DEATH FROM A NAIL ON THE BRAIN, - Geoffrey L. Levalle, who was shot in a fight with T. B. Kershaw, at Petersburg, Va., died a day or two ago. The wound was inflicted on the 15th of October, and the pistol was charged with a horse-shoe nail. The nail was found in his brain, where it has been for nearly a month.


A CONNUBIAL SECEDER’S MISTAKE. - “Lay over to your own side, or I’ll secede, darn quick,” exclaimed William Barlow Price, at Newark, N. J., on Saturday night, while making his bed on a door-step. He did not sleep with his wife that night, but in the station-house; when found by the police he was nearly denuded.


NARROW ESCAPE OF A RAILWAY TRAIN, - The express train had a nearrow escape between Syracuse and Rochester, N. Y., on Saturday; a large rock, in a cutting, on a sharp curve, became dislodged, and fell across the track; the engineer seeing the obstruction, reversed the engine and thus saved many lives.


DESPERATE RUFFIANS. - On Friday evening, as William Barrett, of South Malden Mass., was leaving his store for home, he was fired at by two ruffians. The ball not taking effect, they beat him, knocking his teeth out, and otherwise injuring him severely.


ACTIVE TRADE IN SHIP-BUILDING. - The vessels launched within the pst year, from Long Island and New York ship-yards, and now on the stocks, foot up as follows: Steamers, twenty-three; sai-vessels, twelve; ferry-boats, seven. Total, forty-two. Tunnage, 26,249. Value, $4,862,000.


FILIBUSTERS ON A MURDEROUS EXPEDITION. - Forty armed filibusters from Los Angelos County, Cal., left on the 10th ult. For Lower California to capture or murder Governor Esparza. On their way they obtained fifty Indian recruits; in Lower California they took horses from the ranches by force.


CONSUMPTION OF GOLD-LEAF IN LONDON. - The weekly consumption of gold-leaf by the bookbinders in London, on the exterior of gold books, amounts to 3,000,000 square inches; and the weight of paper-shavings, annually, cut off the edges of books is about 350 tuns.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Interview with Abraham Lincoln Nov 1860

An Interview with Abraham Lincoln-His Freedom from Alarm at the Secession Movement.

A Springfield (Ill.) correspondent of the New York Evening Post says:

The timid gentlemen who are expecting Mr. Lincoln to issue a pronunciamento after the manner of successful Mexican chiefs, wherein his policy will be declared, for the conciliation of the madmen who are threatening the secession of a few of the States of the South, do not know the President-elect. It was my good fortune to talk with him an hour yesterday, in relation to this secession movement, and though he makes no concealment of the uneasiness which the contemplated treason gives him, he is not a bit alarmed by the aspect of affairs, nor is he at all inclined to yield an inch to the well-intended but mistaken solicitations of his friends. He believes that his success is only a public pretext for what has been long preparing; that his position on all questions of public concern - all which affect the slavery question nearly or remotely - is so well known that no declaration of his would change treasonable purposes already announced; and that a reiteration of views which are patent to all men who have sought to know them, would be an evidence of timidity which he does not feel, and of which he would have no man suspect him.

He is cautious, discreet and wise in his replies to questions as to what may or will be done. But those who know the steadfastness of purpose and the conscientious firmness which are his distinguishing characteristics, have no doubt that he will adopt that policy, when President, which a proper regard for the whole country dictates; and that he will pursue it firmly, persistently, and if necessary, obdurately, to the end. “ I know” said he, “the justness of my intentions, and the utter groundlessness of the pretended fears of the men who are filling the country with their clamor. If I go into the Presidency, they will find me as I am on record - nothing less, nothing more. My declarations have been made to the world without reservation. They have been often repeated; and now, self-respect demands of me and of the party that has elected me, that when threatened I should be silent.” While he holds this language in relation to a public letter, he does not hesitate to in his private letters to the South (he has already a large correspondence in that section), and in conversation with his visitors, in answer to proper inquiries, to give any assurances which are consistent with his views heretofore expressed, and the party platform on which he stands.

A Few Ads Nov. 1860

A few ads from Cincinnati Daily Press November 18, 1860.

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Latest News By Telegraph Nov. 18 1860

This article comes from Cincinnati Daily Press November 18 1860 just 12 days after Lincoln is elected President.

The Secession Movement.
Mobile Anxious to secede - Another Union Article by Amos Kendall - Financial Pressure in the South.

AUGUSTA, GA., November 16, - There is nothing of interest from southern counties to-day.
MOBILE, November 16. - A meeting of all parties was held here to-day, unanimously favoring secession. Resolutions to await the action of other States were voted down and withdrawn.
CHARLESTON, S. C., November 16. - A conference of the leading men of Georgia, held at Milledgeville, yesterday, unanimously agreed to hold a State Convention at an early day. Resistance is in the ascendant in that State. Money tight; banks awaiting the action of Philadelphia and New York.
MONTGOMERY, ALA., November 16. - The State Convention of Baptists met here on Wednesday, and resolved unanimously in favor of disunion. They sent their resolutions to Governor Brown.
WASHINGTON, November 16. - Amos Kendall publishes another article opposing secession. He states that the Constitution refused to publish the article, on the ground that its editor is a secessionist.
COLUMBIA, S. C., November 17. - There is more quiet in political circles to-day, but there is such a unanimity of feeling existing among the people of the State as to make secession a fixed fact.
Messrs. Orr and Perry and other Union men, neither co-operate in or oppose the movement. Meetings are being held in all the districts and parishes of the State, and all favor secession.
AUGUSTA, GA., November 17. - There is very little opposition to the secession movement by the people of this State, although the mass of them are unfavorable to participating.

Lady Franklin to Embark for the Pacific Coast--A New Counterfeit.

NEW YORK, November 17, - Lady Franklin is soon to embark on the Pacific Mail Steamship Company’s steamer St. Louis, for the Pacific Coast, stopping at Rio de Janeiro.
Twenty-dollar bills altered to the Bank of North America, of Providence, R. I., were passed about the city last night, Vignette, a man and woman of each end, and head of Washington in the center.

From Washington.

NEW YORK, November 17. - A special dispatch from Washington says that Minister McLane has resigned, and that Gov. Weller, of Pennsylvania, has been appointed Minister to Mexico.
Senator Slidell expresses himself warmly in favor of secession.
Advices from South Carolina, to-day, say that the entire Congressional delegation will resign.


From Kansas.

LEAVENWORTH, November 17. - The Times of this city publishes a letter from Linn County, Kansas, giving an account of a new outbreak in that region. At the date of the letter one man, named Russell Hinds, after a trial by Lynch law, had been hung and others ordered to leave the Territory. The cause of the outbreak was alleged attempts at kidnapping and threatening free State men by Hinds and his associates.

Anti-Prince-of-Wales Meeting.

BOSTON, November 17, - At a meeting of Irishmen who sympathize with Col. Corcoran of New York, held here last night, resolutions were adopted complimenting his conduct in refusing to do honor to the Prince of Wales, and inviting him to Boston, where a congratulatory public address will be made to him.

Virginia Election.

ALEXANDRIA, VA., November 16. - The Gazette has returns from all the State but Logan and Webster Counties. Bell over Breckinridge, 446.
RICHMOND, VA., November 17. - The election returns are still incomplete, but show that the contest has been very close. The Bell men are more confident to-day.

Later from Pike’s Peak.

FORT KEARNEY, November 17. - Denver City dates to the 12th inst., have been received here. Full returns of the Presidential election were published at Denver City on the 10th inst. There is no news of importance.

Outward Bound.

NEW YORK, November 17. - The steamers Atlantic and Edinburg, sailed to-day. The former took forty-eight passengers and $80,000 in specie, and the latter 270 passengers and no specie.

Florida Election.

SAVANNAH, GA., November 17. - Official returns from sixteen counties in Florida indicate that the majority for Breckinridge in the State will be about 3,000.

River News.

LOUISVILLE, November 17 - P. M. - River falling slowly, with eight feet ten inches in the Canal.